Albato no-code
App Integrator

Boost your projects by using our unique
no-code iPaaS module to develop integrations for public or private use.

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Intuitive UI

Fill in the integration fields in intuitive sections, ensuring a streamlined experience.

Agile development

In just a few hours, develop integrations that would take months to complete.

Complex integrations

Use the Automation Builder to stream and transform data between built-in apps.

Strategic action

Turn integration developments from a problem into a solution and act assertively.

Albato is a no-code integration and automation platform with a responsive
and user-friendly interface.

Discover Albato

Copy & Paste

Simplify the process of building integrations and boost your results

Integration development involves a long, complex journey of getting data, building, testing, and maintaining.

With our iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service), we simplify this process. To build your integrations on Albato, you just need to copy the data from the API documentation and paste it into the App Integrator.

Integration process overview

Build Authorizations

Use our preconfigured templates for the main authentication methods used in APIs: OAuth 2.0, Basic, API Token, Session Auth, and Custom.

Select the fields' data types (string, email, password, webhook, etc.) and determine how you want to receive and update your token — fill in the request, response and status fields, and, if necessary, edit the JS code.

Configure Triggers and Actions

Create triggers via API to generate requests for new data at specified time periods or via webhook to obtain events in real-time.

Define the response type, determine the field order, and use the data migration feature if necessary.

As with Triggers, configure the fields, requests, and sorting in Actions, according to the endpoint of the API being used to create them.

Create Connection fields

Configure the input variables responsible for storing the data characteristics of each user who will use the integration. Later, these variables can be used in the configuration of requests in Triggers and Actions, or in the Authorization flow.

Set up Webhooks

Use Webhook Subscription to make a request to the webhook enrollment endpoint, Webhook Catcher to receive fields whose payload has no static parameters, and Webhook Response to provide a custom payloaded response to your webhook.

Create Lists

Create static, dynamic, or nested lists, and link the desired action fields to send a specific identifier instead of its name in an incoming (Request) or outgoing (Response) request.

Perform Pagination in requests

Configure Page, Limit & Offset, Cursor, or URL type paginations, and link to the request widget to capture the entities and objects of a request, obtaining the entire volume of data divided into pages by the application from which you receive it.

Do Status Handling

Configure the statuses with the type of alert, perform message mapping, and create an unlimited number of conditions through the filter to define in which specific situations your application's errors should be treated. You can choose from Default, InvalidCredential, or ExpiredToken options.

Submit for Publication

Fill in the information about the integrated app and upload the logo in different formats. If you want to make the integration public, you can submit the app for the approval process, during which our team of moderators will carry out the necessary tests. If your app is working correctly, it will be made available to other Albato users.

Build an integration in a few hours with our no-code Integrator

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