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Albato Lifetime Deals

Pay once. Get unlimited automation. Cheaper than subscription from alternatives.

Plano vitalício

Integre qualquer aplicação. Automatize todas as tarefas. 100% no-code.

Trusted by over 60,000 users

The best alternative of Zapier, Make, Pabbly and Pluga

A strong alternative to Zapier and Integromat

Excellent automation tool and a worthy competitor to Zapier & Pablly

Finally, A Worthy Replacement to Zapier

A powerful and more cost-effective solution to Zapier or other automation solutions

Integrate Apps.
Automate Tasks.
100% no-code.

Connect with 500+ applications

App Library

Get access to a constantly expanding library with over 500 integrated applications.

Filter apps by category and connect the ones you use most frequently to perform automated data transfers in just a few minutes.

Powered by AI integrations

Be on the same page with technology!
Integrate Jasper AI, Writesonic, OpenAI, ChatGPT, Synthesia.io, Eden AI, Stablediffusion, DeepL,
and other popular AI into your processes and product in minutes!

Instant support, lifelong success

Experience world-class support:

We offer 24/7 support in multiple languages, high-quality customer service, and an average response time of just 1 minute. We are here to help, guide and collaborate, ensuring your success with Albato.

Lifetime Deals

Choose your currency

Lifetime deal tiers

Automation update time

Transactions per month

Active automations

Price per additional transaction

Data migration

Auto replay

Dedicated queues handlers

Tier 1

$ 249

€ 229

R$ 1,199

Best for individuals with limited data

15 min



$ 0,03

€ 0,03

R$ 0,05

Tier 2

$ 549

€ 499

R$ 2,699

Best for small businesses with multiple tasks

5 min


$ 0,02

€ 0,02

R$ 0,05

Tier 3

$ 749

€ 699

R$ 3,699

Larger limits for midsize businesses

1 min


$ 0,02

€ 0,02

R$ 0,05

Tier 4

$ 1,149

€ 1,049

R$ 5,699

Best for handling enterprise data volume

1 min


$ 0,01

€ 0,01

R$ 0,05

Features available in all tiers

Custom HTTP request

App Integrator (custom apps)

Webhook partners

Unlimited steps per automation

Unlimited users (per account)

Filters on automation triggers

Data transformation tools

500+ apps and future releases

30 days of log storage

Real-time automation logs

Parallel automation execution

Access to the Solution Builder

30 days money-back guarantee!

Try it out for 1 month to make sure it's the right for you.

Why pay yearly? A one-time payment is cheaper than Zapier's annual plan!

$468 every year
• 1,500 tasks per month
• Multi-step Zaps
• Filters and Formatter
• 3 Premium apps
$249 single payment
• 3,000 transactions per month
• Unlimited steps per automation
• Filters and all data transformation tools
• Unlimited premium apps

See how to get your lifetime deal

Create your Albato account

To create your account, select the country according to the currency you want to use to purchase the plan. This option cannot be edited later.

Fill in the requested information and click on "Sign up" or register with your Facebook or Google account.

Upgrading to LTD is also available for accounts created from 02/01/23. If your account is older than that, you will need to create a new one.

Create your account

Activate your plan now!

Choose the tier that best suits your needs and make a lifetime purchase

Activate your offer

Over 1500 lifetime plans were purchased after the first launch on AppSumo.


I'm really enjoying Albato, and in particular the speedy service! Thanks for working so hard on the UX and integrations. Great work!


Automations on scale

We have recently built some automations by using Albato, and they are working fine. Good tool with a lot of apps integrations and hopefully team continue this work by adding more apps and features in the tool. Overall great tool and time is not so far once this tool will be a strong alternative among the other industry established options.Support is fast and responds, and I liked the on boarding session which they are offering although we were able to make our automations without taking the on boarding session. Great tool and five tacos from us.


So far so good

So far so good. I really like it so far, I am learning how to automate my apps and found out I can create my own automatizations with APIs. Great!!!


Really easy to use! + Flexibel!

I have to admit, I somehow turned into an automation junkie :D

Although I am definitely not an IT-expert, I previously got Konnectzit, Parsio, Robomotion, Bitintegrations, Switchboard Canvas and Easyflow - and I kept all of them^^

So, I'd say I have seen some automation software (obviously I tested Zapier, Make/Integrately and Pabbly Connect, too). Still, Albato is one of my favorites for now.


Integration, Integration, Integrations everywhere

So, integrations are great and automations are wonderful, but they are pointless to offer if you have no way of creating them. Again, Albato has hit this one out of the park by providing a beautiful system to create integrations and automations visually instead of simply by code (sorry Meta-API).

My recommendation for those who need an integration and automation solution is to check out Albato and then invest once you see it's power -- 5 tacos, plus a little sauce on this one.


It's a Great Alternative to Zapier and Pabbly

This workflow automation app is indeed a great alternative to Zapier and Pabbly. It’s fast, extremely easy to use, and supports a good number of integrations. All you need to do is connect your accounts, create rules, and the app will activate all the tasks. The UI and UX are great! It’s very intuitive and perfect for creating an automation workflow in minutes.

They are actively adding lots of integrations and customer support is really great! I can't wait to see them grow. It's definitely a gem.


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